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"The human being is like a wise fisher who cast a net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of little fish.

Among them the wise fisher found a fine large fish and cast all the little fish back down into the sea, easily choosing the large fish.

Anyone who has ears to hear should hear!"

Now, imagine what a fisherman would say to this.

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You can't make a living from big fish alone.


With every valid retort you can think of
you prove to yourself, as well as to your fellow beings
who you, they, all of us are: Conceptual Sovereigns
just like the child in 'The Emperor's New Clothes'

But Conceptual Sovereigns are more than just testers / validators of concepts
We are also interpreters, innovators and ultimately, Creators of Concepts that shape our reality
We are Co-Conceptualizers of our world

The Real Question everyone has to decide is:
Do we refuse our own inborn conceptual agency whilst a tiny group defines the world to their benefit at the expense of the rest of mankind - which has been the case for millennia?
Do we consciously exercise our conceptual agency to realize the world that we want - collaboratively through PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Adjust) - to realize virtuous cycles of improvement on Earth for everyone?